Saturday, August 11, 2012


We have had a busy summer! Birth of a brand new angel, trip to Shannon and Cam's coast house in Mississippi, flower girl shopping, camping with Granny and Poppa, swim team, camps, trips with Nana and Poppy and back to school shopping. I would say it was a successful summer! Yesterday was Rylee's follow up with Dr. Monagas. This was
Her post scope follow up before next scope. He did not do blood labs on her this time, because he knew her platelets would be low regardless. We just have to keep watching for signs of them dropping extremely low. He felt her belly and it appears her spleen has shifted a little more under her ribs, which is what we expect with her growing taller. She will have another scope in mid October which I will be scheduling shortly. She has a endocrinology appointment on Monday which she is not happy about, but we must do what needs to be done for her health and well being.

School started Monday and so far she loves her teachers and is very excited about being back. She has a little more freedom as of right now. She is allowed to participate in P.E. and recess without a parent. She just cannot participate in contact sports, but this is a leap forward for her
and for us. Danny and Nana have been attending recess with her for 2 years. Rylee knows if she participates in activities or plays on equipment she is not suppose to, her freedom will be taken away. Hopefully she will not get caught up in the moment because she REALLY enjoys not having them there eyeballing her! It is very hard not worry, but I'm trying to pop holes in the bubble wrap I've had around her for 2 years. We are praying that her school year is a successful, non stressful academic year and hoping she enjoys her last year at CES!
As always, keep those prayers coming for my baby!
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