I always say if I didn't have bad luck I would have any luck at all. Saturday, August 3 at around 8:30 p.m. Rylee started feeling really bad. She complained of her back and her stomach. It wasn't soon after that she began with what appeared to be the tummy bug. I had a flashback of when she was 3 with rotavirus! Soon after many trips to the royal throne I noticed a little blood. The red light started flashing in my mind. Blood, back pain and tummy....spleen or varices rupture?!?! She was having a really difficult time leaving the toilet due to both ends at the same time, so instead of driving the bridge straight to Children's we had no choice but to go to St. Tammany. They performed a CT of her spleen and tests for food poisoning, edema virus, etc. I told the drs it was exactly like the rotavirus but she was negative. After a few hours the drops of blood became nothing but blood and the ER dr ordered admit to children's with transport via ambulance. At 4:00 a.m. Rylee and I were transported to Children's. fanny ran home to take care of pets and pack for all three of us. I was relieved to be there I can tell you! Children's began running all the same tests as St. Tammany and in the meantime we were still running to the royal throne with a hospital bucket and it didn't seem like an end was in sight. Sunday morning the vomiting seized but we were still visiting the toilet. The stomach dr came in and informed us that she was indeed positive for rotavirus, but with so much blood they needed to do her scope early as well as a colonoscopy to rule out a varice rupture. They were concerned with the blood loss especially because her platelets were steadily dropping. Her platelets are low all the time but she was entering way low for her normal. By Monday morning it stopped. No visits to the potty or the bucket. She recieved a plasma transfusion before her scope. Her scope and colonoscopy were performed at 1:30 . At 3:00 we were called to recovery and brought back upstairs. Dr. Monagas spoke with Danny via phone and informed him that no varices ruptured. Her stomach was blood red raw though. The virus mixed with her low platelets caused the bleeding. She had to have a platelet transfusion after her scope due to her platelets being extremely low. She went from 68,000 at St. Tammany to 25,000 Monday afternoon!!! She was eating soft foods by that evening.

Immediately following Danny's conversation with the dr this momma started visiting the bucket and royal throne and was ordered to go home. Hard to leave my baby, but no worries because the best dad in the world had it all under control. By Tuesday morning I was better and my two babies were home by late afternoon. All I have to say about the rotavirus is scary and stay away!

She was able to start school today and was as happy as a lark. A little nervous being at a new school, no familiar faces or teaches but I think she can handle it. All I have to say is don't take things for granted people!! And love and hug your babies every day! Boy do I love my girl...

Thanks for all the continued prayers and support.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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