Many people do not know or do not believe that Rylee had a stroke in utero. People look shocked and their response is mainly "only old people have strokes!". Well, NO that is not the case. No one knows why it happens, in my case I do not know when or why or how, but i do know that it is not as uncommon as i thought. 10 years ago I was not aware of Facebook nor did I know there were other parents out there dealing with my same situation. She is one of many children who have suffered a stroke. There are so many different affects from a stroke and each child is different. It all depends on the part of the brain affected among many other things. These children all have one common bond...they are survivors and fighters! Rylee's stay in NICU for her stroke is related to her new medical diagnosis that I have been blogging about. Her "belly cord" caused a clot in her portal vein. We went from the doctors telling us she wouldn't make it to 10 years of accomplishments doing things they never thought she would ever do. Her smile has always made my heart skip a beat and when she does something they never thought she would it makes it that much sweeter. We have been through a lot and Rylee has been through way too much at only 10, but we take each day one day at a time. We hug a lot, kiss a lot, pray a lot and laugh a lot. She is surrounded and supported by the most amazing, crazy and HUGE, family I could have ever asked to be blessed with. We have never treated Rylee any different than any other child and we don't expect her to act any different. But we do know there are some things she cannot control and with each day comes a new one. The stroke does not define her, it is just something that happened. I am the proud parent of a beautiful, brave stroke survivor and she is my hero! So show your support for the month of May, wear purple, tell people you have strokes too and think about Rylee!
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Love you and The Roo so, so much! She is such a little inspiration for all that she has been through and the way she just goes on with life as normal without ever missing a beat. Truly a testament to great parenting and a fighter's heart! I love, "Her stroke does not define her. It's just something that happened." Perfect outlook for all of life's curveballs :) Love you both!
ReplyDeleteAnd PS, I will wear my purple proudly this month. (But JUST this month!)