Rylee had her Ultrasound today which was ordered by her endocrinologist Dr. Vargas. We arrived at 1:30 as ordered and I gave her lots of tea to fill that bladder for the ultrasound at 2:00. Low and behold her bladder still was not full enough. We had to wait an extra 30 minutes and drink more to fill it up. Around 2:45 the ultrasound was underway. Her bladder still was not completely full, but the radiologist approved the images taken. All of this makes me extremely nervous, but I just pray through it and as seen below...Rylee sleeps through it. When all was done she finally had to relieve her bladder. Go figure. We do not have any results as of yet. She has already had 3 out of the 5 tests that need to be done. As always keep those prayers coming for her!!! She is dealing with so much already!

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