Monday, May 30...IVIG
We were scheduled for IVIG procedure at 9:30 am. We had our normal blood labs drawn and had an ultrasound to check the actual size of her spleen since everyone has been saying it shrunk. To our surprise her spleen has not shrunk in size at all since her diagnosis. It is the same exact large size. Danny and I were very shocked and so were the doctors. It appears that her spleen has just shifted so to speak. We are definitely looking at surgery in the next month. Her platelet count did go up to the highest it has been on its own since February. It was at 75 on Monday and the week before it was at 48 (which is her normal). After waiting for 7 hours for a room to begin the IVIG with an anxious child and a husband working on no sleep for 24 hours we opted to reschedule the procedure since it was not mandatory at ths point in time. On Wednesday we received a call from my mom stating that Rylee had some blood in a bowel movement, which is something we have to be very cautious about due to a varice bleeding. We went to the hospital and had her checked out and a sample was taken. The sample did show evidence of blood but her blood work (HgB) level was not showing an internal bleed. We monitored her at home and took a sample the very next day. Luckily her sample did not show any evidence of blood but we are on guard and are having to invade her privacy to check. She is being very good about all of this and taking it in stride right now. Her next scope is set for this upcoming Thursday, June 9. We will also be talking to the doctors in more depth about her spleen and the surgery. We would like to have it done before school but we will just have to see about scheduling, recoup time, etc. Of course I am very very nervous about this risky surgery and I am not really discussing it in front of Rylee to protect her from stressing. I will post about her scope next week. We will be admitted on Wednesday, June 8th for her platelet transfusion and scope at 8:30 am Thursday morning. I just want to say thanks to my parents for dealing with sample taking and running around like crazy people to help me and Danny so that we can still work and get things done around our house to keep our lives as normal as possible. They are absolutely wonderful and I could not ask for more devoted parents/grandparents. I love them so much!!!
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