Rylee had her 7th scope procedure yesterday. They did not have to band any varices yesterday, but she does have two that are popping up and will need to be banded in 4-6 weeks. The next visit we will have to stay over night. Her body is no longer showing signs of healing itself as it was doing in November. The surgeon is consulting with other dr's regarding the best surgery option for Rylee. The news was not great but it was not bad. We just want what is the best option for Rylee. She did not do well with the anesthia yesterday. Very difficult to wake her up and she was extremely agitated. It was a very difficult day yesterday on all of us. My parents are as always an amazing help. She is one very lucky little girl to have the best Nana and Poppy! We are praying for God to lead us in the right direction and to give us continued strength and carry us through all of this. It will make exactly one year since her diagnosis next month. I have scheduled her 8th scope almost to the exact day of her first one. Many people have asked and are wondering what is taking so long regarding surgery. Dr. Monagus told us yesterday that they are delaying because her body was showing signs of improvement and they want to explore every option possible before deciding on the risky surgery. For that we are grateful, but we are hoping to come to a resolution by this summer so that Rylee can get back to being the active, spunky child she was a year ago. As always, thank you for your thoughts and especially the prayers! We need them!
Brandi, Danny and Rylee