We left for hospital at 7:45. Had to make a quick stop at my uncles pediatric office in Metairie to pick up a prayer blanket for another child at Children's. We arrived wen to admit, made our way up to the 5th floor and our stay began. Nurse came in took vitals, gathered all necessary information, ordered pre meds for procedure and called hemoc drs. Nurses came in to do IV which is the most dreaded part. Surprisingly, the charge nurse got it in one try and even showed rylee a video of her giving blood and how much better Rylee did than her. Made her laugh! Rylee was in good spirits. Hemoc dr came down and explained IVIG, discussed side effects and discharge. She was given Zofran for nausea and Benadryl in 15 minute increments through her IV.

Once that was done it was like a light went off...no more spunky, jokes, dancing....sleepy, cranky and ornary set in. She took a few more bites of lunch and then....zzzzzz.

She woke up as soon as nurse came in to check vitals and start IVIG. IVIG was started at 12:15 and vitals checked every 15 minutes for first hour and then every half hour and them after 5 hrs every hour. She liked her nurse, mostly because she reminded her of her Aunt Amy.

We had to stay in the room up until the half way mark in order to watch her closely for side effects. She was in a good mood and upbeat. We "escaped" around 6:00 to take her for a walk and get an ice cream. We went out in the courtyard and walked the sidewalks. She was determined to walk with her pole without assistance.

She kept saying "geez they have some bumps in this walkway, gotta find a way around them!" a light went off in my head. The walkway is like our journey, twisting, winding, in a circle, bumpy at times with "roadblocks" to find a way around. I let her do it herself and she did. Thats when I really felt my heart skip a beat. My 9 year old child is facing all these bumps in the road and having to find a way around them with her determination and strength. It breaks my heart, but at the same time I couldn't be prouder! She decided to make a wish in the fountain before going back up for the remaining 5 hrs.

Of course we asked what she wished for and of course she would not share! The remaining 5 hrs was like watching grass grow. I was never so happy to hear a IV pole beep than I was at 10:05 pm. Danny was snoring, rylee asleep curled up on Patches, her favorite stuffed animal since 1 years old and I was already packing to go home. The nurse came in, unhooked her IV, called the dr, got discharge papers ready and time for IV to come out! Oh boy!!! This is worse than it going in! He screamed and put up a little fight because they used an ungodly amount of tape that roped her skin. We opted to leave a piece on because frankly, it was a long day and it was 11:00 at night. We left with orders to have blood work done on Saturday and we were on our way! We arrived home around 12:15 am.

I think the picture sums up our long day. She did not have any side effects thank goodness and we were told that her platelet count was 58 before the IVIG. That is up from the 51 on May 3. We just have to pray it works!!!! We took her to lakeview hospital to have her labs done and sent to Children's today. She was NOT happy to have that done at all. We will not find out the results until Monday. Thankful for my brave, spunky child and happy she is back to normal today riding her rip stick, playing with her puppies and not a care in the world today! Now wait for results and scope on Thursday! Please God be with us!

As always...keep praying!
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